Archive for Health Care


Posted in Politics and Current events with tags , , , , , , , , , , on March 24, 2010 by staycurrent

Well, with the new Health Care bill signed into law, we have even more Liberal laws to follow and taxes to pay. Every U.S. citizen will be required to have a health care insurance policy, and if you don’t, Obama’s gonna fine you. And if you can’t afford a normal policy, you’ll be able to buy a cheaper one from the government, giving them EVEN MORE CONTROL over your personal life! All this means is even more control and socialist reform for the government that can’t figure out how to spend our trillions of tax dollars wisely, and is to this day, broke.

I don’t think this is the kind of reform the country was looking for, and the biggest problem is that the dems don’t even care.  The reason being that this bill gets their feet in the door of total government control, and they will sacrifice anything to get there, even if they lose elections in November because of it.  It is a total violation of the Constitution and everyone’s personal rights to have the Government tell you that you MUST buy this policy.  Thankfully my state is one of several that is going to court against the feds on this new reform law, go John Suthers!

Picture obtained from